In this Document
All About EMCA
1. EMCA Concepts
2. EMCA Syntax
3. Pre-requisites for running EMCA command
How to Perform EMCA Operations
1. How to create DBConsole using EMCA ?
2. How to drop DBConsole using EMCA or manually (with and without repository)
3. How to re-create DBConsole using EMCA?
4. How to change ports for DBConsole using EMCA commands?
Diagnostic Tools
Troubleshooting EMCA Failures
1. EMCA failing while connecting to Database
2. EMCA failing due to Oracle Home software related issues
3. EMCA failing due to Hostname and Port related issues
4. EMCA failing due to Database or OS configuration
5. EMCA failing due to SYSMAN and other existing objects during re-configuration
Applies to:
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database - Version to [Release 10.2 to 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This Master Note helps to understand EMCA utility used to perform DBConsole configurations and provides assistance in using diagnostics effectively to
debug/troubleshoot and resolve issues encountered.
Attention: In Enterprise Manager Database Control with Oracle Database and, the root certificate used to secure communications
via the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol expired on 31-Dec-2010 00:00:00. The certificate expiration will cause errors if you attempt to configure
Database Control on or after 31-Dec-2010.
Existing Database Control configurations are not affected by this issue. If you are in the following situations:
* Have an existing Oracle Database or installation and plan to configure or re-configure Database Control on or after 31-Dec-2010.
Database Control is configured when using one of the following tools:
• Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
• Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA)
• Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant (EMCA)
* Plan to install Oracle Database or on or after 31-Dec-2010 and intend to configure Database Control
then refer to Note: 1217493.1
This document is intended to assist Database Administrators to effectively troubleshoot EMCA failures in different scenarios. This document covers the
following topics:
About EMCA
How to Perform EMCA Operations
Diagnostic Tools
Troubleshooting EMCA Failures
All About EMCA
1. EMCA Concepts11/ 5/ 12 Docum ent Dsi pal y
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Oracle Database can be monitored using Enterprise Manager Database Control or Enterprise Manager Grid Control. Enterprise Manager
Grid Control is a central monitoring and administration console to monitor number of Oracle Databases along with other Oracle and non Oracle
products. Enterprise Manager Database Control is standalone management console which can monitor and administer a single-instance /
clustered Oracle Database. The Database control is installed as part of Oracle Database (RDBMS) software. The Enterprise Manager Database
Control is popularly referred to as Database Control or DBControl or DBConsole. The terms are interchangeably used in rest of the associated
When Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) is used for creating a database, it provides an option for the user to choose whether the
Enterprise Manager Database Control should be configured for the database. If the Database is created manually or if the appropriate
option was not chosen in the DBCA, then the Database Control can be configured from the command line using the Enterprise Manager
Configuration Assistant (EMCA) utility.
EMCA is a command line utility that provides simple and standardized options to create / drop/ re-configure the Database Control.
The EMCA is also referred to as EMCP (Enterprise Manager Configuration Plug-in).
Major difference between DBCA and EMCA is that DBCA does not provide any options to re-configure the DBControl where as EMCA can
perform all possible customizations for existing DBControl.
Note: The scope of this document does not include usage of DBCA for DBControl configuration but will cover only the EMCA.
How to Execute EMCA
The EMCA utility can be launched by running emca command from
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emca script on Unix and %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\emca.bat on windows
On Unix host to launch the utility:
prompt > cd
prompt > ./emca
On Windows host to launch the utility:
CMD> emca
2. EMCA Syntax
The syntax can be obtained by executing emca –help or emca –h option. In addition, executing EMCA without any parameters also lists the
Below diagram explains about the EMCA command line syntax.
EMCA command line options can be of following category.
- Operation: EMCA Command-Line Operation to be performed. For more details about each operation refer “EMCA Command-Line
- Mode: The mode of the command, like dbcontrol, centralAgent, all, or ports. For more details about each mode refer “EMCA CommandLine Operations"
- Flags: EMCA Command-Line Flags. For more details about each flag refer “EMCA Command-Line Flags”
- Parameters: Optional Parameters if required. For more details about each parameter refer “EMCA Command-Line
Parameters”11/ 5/ 12 Docum ent Dsi pal y
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Important Configuration Files
Following important configuration files are read by EMCA command for its operations. These files are used as templates for DBConsole
configuration and creation.
Where to find EMCA log files?
Every execution of EMCA command generates EMCA log files. These log files are located at:
For 10.2 Database:
For 11.1 and 11.2 Database:
If DBConsole is configured using DBCA, all the logging messages are written to the emConfig.log file.
For a 10g Database the emConfig.log is generated under
For a 11g Database the emConfig.log is generated under
When Database is upgraded using DBUA, the DBConsole configuration is upgraded by default as part of Database upgrade process. All the
DBConsole upgrade logging messages are written to the emConfig.log file.
For a 10g Database the emConfig.log is generated under
For a 11g Database the emConfig.log is generated under
The EMCA log file is in the format emca_
For Example: emca_2010_05_17_20_56_33.log
When EMCA is used to create / drop repository, the repository specific actions are logged in emca_repos_create_
For example : emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop
command will generate emca_repos_drop_2010_05_17_20_57_00.log under ../cfgtoollogs/emca/
emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create
command will generate emca_repos_create_2010_05_17_21_50_31.log under ../cfgtoollogs/emca/
3. Pre-requisites for running EMCA command
Mandatory pre-requisite checks are:
1. The following environment variables must be set:
On Unix
prompt > export ORACLE_HOME=
prompt > export ORACLE_SID=
On Windows
2. The database and its listener should be up and running while running EMCA commands as the utility makes connection to the database
as "SYS as SYSDBA" or SYSMAN user. This connection is established via the listener for few operations where as bequeath connection is
used for others.
Complete list of pre-requisite checks is documented in Note 1113343.1 Pre-requisites for Successful Execution of EMCA Commands in
Single Instance Database Environment.
Flow of EMCA Command
Below diagram illustrates the flow of EMCA command for DBConsole create and drop operations.
EMCA Create DBConsole Flow EMCA Drop DBConsole Flow11/ 5/ 12 Docum ent Dsi pal y
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Impact of EMCA drop or recreate operation on Database
IMPORTANT: When EMCA utility is used to drop or recreate the repository, it would put the database in quiesce mode without any warning
or taking confirmation from user. This behavior is seen in release to and to However, in release
this has been modified and EMCA utility displays warning and seeks confirmation for the database to be put in Quiesce mode.
Starting from release, the database is NOT put into quiesce mode anymore for repository drop and recreate operation.
This means that EMCA "drop" and "recreate" commands can be executed for 11.2.x.x database without impacting normal database
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How to Perform EMCA Operations
The most common operations performed using EMCA utility are
1. Create DBConsole
2. Drop DBConsole
3. Configure DBConsole with an existing repository
4. Reconfigure DBConsole without dropping the repository
5. Reconfiguration of DBConsole ports.11/ 5/ 12 Docum ent Dsi pal y
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Before running any of the EMCA commands ensure all the pre-requisites are met as per Note 1113343.1 Pre-requisites for Successful Execution of EMCA
Commands in Single Instance Database Environment
1. How to create DBConsole using EMCA ?
How to configure/create DBConsole along with the repository?
For a database, if there is no DBConsole configured, run following command to configure DBConsole along with the repository.
To verify if the DBConsole is configured for the Database, refer to Note 740157.1 How To Verify Database Console Software is Installed and
Database Console is Configured For a Database in an ORACLE_HOME ?
Enter the following information:
Database SID: orcl
Listener port number: 1521
Password for SYS user:
Password for DBSNMP user: < Enter the DBSNMP user password here>
Password for SYSMAN user: < Set new password for SYSMAN user>
Email address for notifications (optional):
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional):
You have specified the following settings
Database ORACLE_HOME ................ /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1
Local hostname ................
Listener port number ................ 1521
Database SID ................ orcl
Email address for notifications ...............
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications ...............
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: y
How to create DBConsole configuration files?
For a database if DBConsole repository already exists, then run below EMCA command to create DBConsole configuration files and upload
configuration data to repository.
If the configuration files already exists under
then above command drops the existing configuration files and re-creates them. A warning is displayed seeking for a confirmation to reconfigure
the DBConsole as shown below.
Enter the following information:
Database SID: orcl
Database Control is already configured for the database orcl
You have chosen to configure Database Control for managing the database orcl
This will remove the existing configuration and the default settings and perform a fresh configuration
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: Y
Listener port number: 1521
Password for SYSMAN user: Email address for notifications (optional):
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional):
2. How to drop DBConsole using EMCA or manually (with and without repository)
How to drop DBConsole configuration along with the repository using EMCA?
To completely remove the DBConsole configuration files and repository run below command.
Enter the following information:
Database SID: orcl
Listener port number: 1521
Password for SYSMAN user:
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: Y
This command will remove the DBConsole configuration files under
as well as DBConsole repository from the Database.
How to drop DBConsole configuration files using EMCA (leave repository intact) ?
To remove DBConsole configuration files (leaving repository intact) run following EMCA command.
ht t ps: / / suppor t . or acel . com / epm os/ f aces/ u/i km / Sear chDocDsi pal y. sj px?_adf . ct r -l st at e=5quudui 0q_147 6/ 12
Enter the following information:
Database SID: orcl
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]:
This command will remove only the DBConsole configuration files which are under
How to drop DBConsole repository objects manually ?
DBConsole repository can be dropped manually by executing following SQL statements.
Step 1: Drop AQ related objects in the SYSMAN schema
Logon SQLPLUS as user SYS
SQL> exec
Step 2: Drop the DB Control Repository Objects
Logon SQLPLUS as user SYS or SYSTEM, and drop the sysman account and management
SQL> EXEC sysman.emd_maintenance.remove_em_dbms_jobs;
SQL> EXEC sysman.setEMUserContext('',5);
SQL> REVOKE dba FROM sysman;
SELECT owner, synonym_name name
FROM dba_synonyms
WHERE table_owner = 'SYSMAN';
IF r1.owner = 'PUBLIC' THEN
SQL> DROP ROLE mgmt_user;
How to delete DBConsole configuration files manually?
To manually delete DBConsole configuration files, remove the following directories from the filesystem:
If the dbcontrol is upgraded from lower version, for example, from to, then the following directory also needs to be removed
from the file system.
NOTE : Be careful while removing these directories as one should NOT remove OC4J_DBConsole or any other directory by mistake, they are
very important. You need to delete only those directories with
should be the database SID.
On Windows you also need to delete the DB Console service:
Using regedit
- run regedit
- navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
- locate the OracleDBConsole
On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 you can run the following from the command line:
CMD> sc delete
- where
CMD> nmesrvops delete
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- where
3. How to re-create DBConsole using EMCA?
To drop and recreate DBConsole configuration files and repository using a single command, run below EMCA command. This command will
recreate the DBConsole configuration files and DBConsole repository for the Database.
Enter the following information:
Database SID: orcl
Database Control is already configured for the database oradb10g
You have chosen to configure Database Control for managing the database oradb10g
This will remove the existing configuration and the default settings and perform a fresh configuration
WARNING : While repository is dropped the database will be put in quiesce mode.
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: Y
Listener port number: 1521
Password for SYS user:
Password for DBSNMP user:
Password for SYSMAN user:
Email address for notifications (optional):
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional):
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]:Y
4. How to change ports for DBConsole using EMCA commands?
When the DB Control is initially configured, it uses a default set of ports defined in respective range for each of the process as listed below.
- JMS [5540-5559], Default port 5540
- RMI [5520-5539], Default port 5520
- Database Control [1158, 5500-5519], Default port 1158
- EM Agent [3938] | [1830-1849], Default port 3938
For subsequent DBConsole configurations in the same machine, the above port numbers will be incremented by 1 in their respective ranges and a
free port in this range is allocated for the corresponding process.
To change or customize the port for any of the above processes run the following EMCA command.
For example : To change DBCONTROL_HTTP_PORT the command should be
To change RMI_PORT the command should be
For more details about emca -reconfig ports, refer to Note 395755.1 How to Change Ports for DBControl
How to run EMCA commands in silent mode?
EMCA commands can be executed in silent mode without any manual intervention. All the input parameters can be populated using response file.
For example, to configure DBConsole in silent mode the EMCA command is:
For more details refer to Note 344502.1 How To Run EMCA In Silent Mode By Using the -Silent and -RespFile Options
How to upgrade DBConsole configuration when the database has been upgraded?
When database is upgraded, for example from to, the DBConsole configuration is upgraded by default as part of Database
upgrade process. In case of any failures, EMCA utility can be used to manually upgrade the DBConsole configuration. The EMCA command to
upgrade DBConsole configuration is:
For more details on -upgrade db command refer to Note 465518.1 How to Upgrade Database Control Configuration Using EMCA
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Diagnostic Tools
Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA)
Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) is a command-line diagnostic tool that is executed by an engine written in the Perl programming language. RDA11/ 5/ 12 Docum ent Dsi pal y
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Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) is a command-line diagnostic tool that is executed by an engine written in the Perl programming language. RDA
provides a unified package of support diagnostics tools and preventive solutions . The data captured provides Oracle Support with a
comprehensive picture of the customer's environment which aids in problem diagnosis.
For More information on RDA Refer Note 314422.1 Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) 4 - Getting Started
The Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) can be executed specifically with the Database Control profile name: DBC in order to reduce the number of
questions that need to be answered and also to collect all details of the Database control home correctly.
The steps to execute the RDA with DBC profile is explained in:
Note 1090648.1 How to Run the RDA against a Single DB Control Installation
Note: Before running the RDA with DBC profile, ensure that an attempt has been made to execute the EMCA command with any desired
options. This will allow the RDA to pick up the necessary EMCA logs.
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Troubleshooting EMCA Failures
Ensure all the pre-requisites mentioned in Note 1113343.1 Pre-requisites for Successful Execution of EMCA Commands in Single Instance Database
Environment are met before executing any EMCA command.
To understand the break-point where the failure has occurred for EMCA execution, refer to Note 422556.1 EMCA Log File Example and Flow of EMCA
Command explained in "About EMCA" section.
Locating, Managing and Reading EMCA Log Files
How to find corresponding log file for EMCA execution?
Execution of EMCA command displays an INFO message on standard output with the log file name and location to which all these
information is logged.
For example:
STARTED EMCA at May 17, 2010 8:56:33 PM...
INFO: This operation is being logged at /home/oracle/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/orcl/emca_2010_05_17_20_56_33.log.
If the access to session prompt where the EMCA command was executed is no longer available, then corresponding EMCA log file can be
identified based on the date and time of command execution.
How to get additional information in emca_
trace for EMCA operations?
By default the EMCA log trace level is set to CONFIG. With this trace level the log file is populated with INFO, CONFIG, and ERROR
messages. This trace level can be modified by changing the value of the parameter oracle.sysman.emcp.level to "FINER" as explained
below to get additional information for debugging.
1. Backup the file located in
2. Edit the file and change the value of the parameter
oracle.sysman.emcp.level = CONFIG
oracle.sysman.emcp.level = FINER
How to read and analyze the information in emca_
The entries in the emca_
The entire information of EMCA operation is logged in the emca_
These entries in emca_
INFO: The entry in this file starting with INFO: shows the informational message about the progress of EMCA command. These
INFO messages are also displayed on standard output as output of EMCA command.
For Example :
INFO: This operation is being logged at /home/oracle/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/emca/orcl/emca_2010_05_17_20_56_33.log.
INFO: Stopping Database Control (this may take a while) ...
INFO: Dropping the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
INFO: Repository successfully dropped
CONFIG: The entry in EMCA log file starting with CONFIG: shows individual command that EMCA is performing.
For example :
CONFIG: Deleting state directories
CONFIG: No value was set for the parameter ORACLE_HOSTNAME.
CONFIG: isLocalNodeDone: true localNode: null
CONFIG: Removing entry from portlist.ini for Enterprise Manager Console HTTP Port (orcl)11/ 5/ 12 Docum ent Dsi pal y
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WARNING: The entry in EMCA log file starting with WARNING: shows warning messages while performing internal commands.
These warning messages are also displayed on standard output as output of EMCA command.
For example:
WARNING: Encrypted data in Enterprise Manager will become unusable if the emkey.ora file is lost or corrupted.
FINE: The entry in EMCA log file starting with FINE: shows debug messages while performing internal commands. These messages
are logged only when Debug is enabled in
The EMCA command may fail due to following common causes:
1. EMCA failing while connecting to Database
When EMCA is executed, the tool takes input values for Database SID, Listener port servicing the database, passwords for SYS, SYSMAN,
DBSNMP users. With these input values EMCA utility makes connection to database as SYS, SYSMAN or DBSNMP user to perform
respective action. EMCA tool either makes bequeath connection to the database or connects via the listener. For this connection to succeed
both the database and listener need to be up and running. In addition to this, the password file should be correctly configured so that SYS
user is able to connect remotely.
The connection is verified at the session prompt as soon as the password is provided. If there is a problem verifying the password for any
of the users, below error is reported after entering the password.
Enter the following information:
Database SID: orcl
Listener port number: 1521
Password for DBSNMP user: Invalid username/password.
If the database listener is down or unresponsive, the EMCA command fails with the error
SEVERE: Listener is not up. Start the Listener and run EM Configuration Assistant again .
Most common errors that can be found in emca_
ORA-01017: Invalid username/password.
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-12541: TNS:no listener
ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
or any other TNS error
For Troubleshooting steps and list of known issues (including ones listed above), refer to Note 1106623.1 How to Troubleshoot EMCA
Failures Due to Connectivity Issue to Database
In Database release, the connection checks and the error messages have been improved.
If the password for any of the user is incorrect, EMCA displays the "Invalid username/password" error with possible causes for the
If listener is down or port is incorrect, a detailed error message is shown to the user with possible causes for the same.
To find documents related to EMCA failures due to database connectivity login to My Oracle Support portal and query the 'Knowledge' with
the following keywords:
EMCA Fails With Error "
For Example :
EMCA Fails With Error "Invalid username/password."
EMCA Fails With Error "ORA-12541: TNS:no listener"
2. EMCA failing due to Oracle Home software related issues
When EMCA is executed to configure DBConsole, the configuration process depends on the Enterprise Manager Software installed under
the ORACLE_HOME and other configuration files. DBConsole configuration may fail because of incomplete DBConsole software present in
the ORACLE_HOME, missing configuration and sql files, corrupt java or jdk files, wrong data in configuration files or files being corrupt.
Most common errors encountered for EMCA failures due to software related issues are:
SEVERE: Error instantiating EM configuration files
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
SEVERE: Error parsing XML file
Failed to load Main Class: oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfigAssistant
SP2-0310: unable to open file
SEVERE: Error updating XML file
CONFIG: Failed to deploy state dirs 5/ 12 Docum ent Dsi pal y
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EM is not configured for this database. No EM-specific actions can be performed.
For Troubleshooting steps and list of known issues (including ones listed above), refer to Note 1107535.1 How to Troubleshoot EMCA
Failures Due to Oracle Home Software Related Issues
To find documents related to Oracle Home software related issues login to My Oracle Support portal and query the 'Knowledge' with the
following keywords:
EMCA Fails With Error "
For Example :
EMCA Fails With Error "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:"
EMCA Fails With Error "SP2-0310: unable to open file"
3. EMCA failing due to Hostname and Port related issues
The DBConsole configuration is tightly coupled with the hostname of the server and respective ports for each DBConsole configurations. When
DBConsole is configured using EMCA, the hostname of the server and binding of DBConsole ports play an important role.
Document 235298.1 - Overview of Default Ports Used by EM 10g Grid Control, DB Control and AS Control
Most common errors that can be encountered due to hostname and port are:
EMCA fails while starting DBConsole due to presence of underscore '_' in the Hostname. As per the RFC952 naming convention underscore
character is not recommended for hostname.
EMCA fails for 10g database with below error if hostname exceeds 32 character.
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
If there are any problems at the time of port allocation during DBConsole configuration, EMCA fails with generic error message:
Failed to allocate port(s) in the specified range(s) for the following process(es): JMS
[5540-5559], RMI [5520-5539], Database Control [5500-5519], EM Agent [3938] | [1830-1849]
For Troubleshooting steps and list of known issues (including ones listed above), refer to Note 1107743.1 How to Troubleshoot EMCA
Failures Due to Hostname and Port Related Issues
To find documents related to Hostname and Port related issue login to My Oracle Support portal and query the 'Knowledge' with the
following keywords:
EMCA Fails With Error "
For Example :
EMCA Fails With Error "Failed to allocate port(s) in the specified range(s) for the following process(es)"
EMCA Fails With Error "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small"
4. EMCA failing due to Database or OS configuration
When EMCA is executed to create DBConsole configuration and repository, it executes many pl/sql and sql scripts in a pre-defined sequence. The
EMCA command execution may fail if there is a mismatch between the pre-requisites and Database / OS configuration or any initialization
parameter that affects repository creation.
Most common errors encountered due to Database Configuration are
ORA-28056: Writing audit records to Windows Event Log failed
ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace 'TEMP
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
ORA-01722: invalid number
PLS-00302: When the DBMS_REGISTRY is Incomplete
ORA-01429: Index-Organized Table: no data segment to store overflow row-pieces
ORA-00376 When SYSAUX Datafile is Not Online
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty
ORA-00988: missing or invalid password
ORA-28007: the password cannot be reused
ORA-24170: SYSMAN.MGMT_NOTIFY_Q_N is created by AQ,cannot be dropped directly
ORA-00959: tablespace 'TEMP' does not exist
ORA-24344: Success with compilation error
PLS-201: Identifier 'IDENTIFIER_NAME' must be declared
ORA-04063: Package Body "Package Name" has errors
Most common errors encountered due to OS Configuration are11/ 5/ 12 Docum ent Dsi pal y
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File Not Found Errors
Segmentation fault cannot open shared object file
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't find library or
Java.lang.Unsatisfiedlinkerror: Can't load library
For Troubleshooting steps and list of known issues (including ones listed above), refer to Note 1112254.1 How to Troubleshoot EMCA
Failures Due to Database or OS Configuration
To find documents related to Database or OS configuration issue login to My Oracle Support portal and query the 'Knowledge' with the
following keywords:
EMCA Fails With Error "
For Example :
EMCA Fails With Error "ORA-00959: tablespace 'TEMP' does not exist"
EMCA Fails With Error " cannot open shared object file"
5. EMCA failing due to SYSMAN and other existing objects during re-configuration
The DBConsole repository objects are stored in the SYSMAN and MGMT_VIEW schema of the database. The DBConsole Re-configuration / Recreation will fail during user or object creation if any of them already exist in the Database. When EMCA command is executed with "repos
create" it creates the DBConsole configuration along with the repository. The EMCA tool will fail if either SYSMAN / MGMT_VIEW schema or their
objects already exist in the Database.
Most common errors encountered during reconfiguration due to existing objects are :
ORA-20001: SYSMAN already exists..
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
ORA-01920: user name 'MGMT_VIEW' conflicts with another user or role name
CONFIG: CreateService FAILED: The specified service already exists.
Service creation failed. Aborting..
For Troubleshooting steps and list of known issues (including ones listed above), refer to Note 1110043.1 How To Troubleshoot EMCA
Failures Due to SYSMAN and Other Existing Objects During Re-Configuration
In Database release, if the DBConsole repository already exists in the database and -create is used, the command aborts with
appropriate error message.
If database is used for Grid Control repository and EMCA is invoked to drop or create DBConsole repository then it aborts with appropriate
error message.
To find documents related to EMCA failures due to SYSMAN and Other Existing Objects, login to My Oracle Support portal and query the
'Knowledge' with the following keywords:
EMCA Fails With Error "
For Example :
EMCA Fails With Error "ORA-20001: SYSMAN already exists"
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NOTE:1090648.1 - How to Run the RDA against a DB Control Installation
NOTE:1106623.1 - Troubleshooting EMCA Failures Due to Database Connectivity Issues
NOTE:1107535.1 - Trouleshooting DBConsole EMCA Failures Due to Oracle Home Software Related Issues
NOTE:1107743.1 - Troubleshooting Dbconsole EMCA Failures Due to Hostname and Port Related Issues
NOTE:1110043.1 - Troubleshooting EMCA Failures Due to SYSMAN and Other Existing Objects During Configuration
NOTE:1112254.1 - Troubleshooting DBConsole EMCA Failures Due to Database or OS Configuration
NOTE:1113343.1 - How To Check Pre-requisites for Successful Execution of EMCA Commands in Single Instance Database Environment
NOTE:1217493.1 - ATTENTION - Enterprise Manager Database Control Or - Patch Required from 31-Dec-2010 onwards
NOTE:278100.1 - How To Drop, Create And Recreate the Database Control (DB Control) Release 10g and 11g
NOTE:314422.1 - Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) 4 - Getting Started
NOTE:344502.1 - How To Run EMCA In Silent Mode By Using the -Silent and -RespFile Options
NOTE:375946.1 - EMCA Release 10.1 to 11.1 Puts the Database in Quiesce And No New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB
Control Repository Creation
NOTE:395755.1 - How to Change the Database Control (DB Control) Port Number
NOTE:422556.1 - An Example of What is Written to the EMCA Log Files after Successful Creation of DBConsole via EMCA
NOTE:465518.1 - How to Upgrade Database Control Configuration Using EMCA
NOTE:740157.1 - How To Verify if the EM Database Control Console Software is Installed and Database Console is Configured For a Database in an
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